Searching online for rebar wire

With the COVID-19 pandemic everything was messed up; Especially getting things in stores, for instance when I went to Home Depot to try to buy some nails for a home improvement project I was doing they were completely out of them! I certainly could not know it! But that wasn’t all… They were also out of rebar wire ties too, and i think exhausting for all the construction companies out there who needed rebar wire ties to complete their building projects.

I think in the neighborhood they had been building new office spaces plus those would require a whole lot of rebar wire ties in order to secure the concrete.

I am thankful that our home improvement I have been doing did not need rebar wire ties, however because they were completely wiped out of them! This is rather shocking when I certainly think about it because rebar wire ties are pretty luxurious. So only major construction companies would be buying them; And for home depot to be fresh out of rebar wire ties with no more coming back into stock, that is kind of terrifying! I had to go someplace else to find the nails I needed for our own project plus I was lucky enough to find them. But I wonder if these construction companies were lucky enough to find their rebar wire ties someplace else? For their sake, I hope that they did. Because this could become a real issue plus put them out of contractor if they can not get their rebar wire ties from someplace!


double loop rebar ties

Searching online for rebar wire
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