Problems in the office stopped our paycheck

My coworker is and I work hard at our task.

  • The two of us work in a factory that creates metal products.

The metal products include rebar, rebar tie wire, and double loop wire ties. All of these ironworker tools are required when working in building and construction tasks. I have been working at the metal Factory for the past 5 years. I started working as a cleanup person in the factory and then every one of us got a task working at a machine that puts PVC coating on all of the double loop wire ties. The PVC coating helps to make the double loop wire ties stronger and adds a layer of waterproofing protection. PVC coating is a single of the several ways that you can buy rebar tie wire and double loop wire tie supplies. These supplies can also be bought in black annealed, stainless steel, and galvanized options. I certainly care about the task a good deal and the boss is consistently really flexible with the schedule. When I want a couple of afternoons off, it is never a problem. I prefer that a lot, because I have youngsters and I never know what is going to happen from a single afternoon to the next. In the whole 5 years that I have worked for the metal business, I have never had a problem with our paycheck until last Thursday. Last Thursday, I woke up and looked at the bank to see how much our direct deposit was. My bank account still said there was $46 in there and the amount should have been more than 2,000 bucks. There was no deposit from the metal corporation so our first order of corporation that afternoon was to contact the human resources department.


16 gauge stainless steel tie wire

Problems in the office stopped our paycheck
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